Issue - decisions

Other Matters

06/03/2013 - Other Matters

13.1 36C206D – Full application for the change of use of the outbuildings into 4 dwellings, alterations and extensions thereto, the installation of septic tanks, together with the demolition of the piggery and the erection of a new agricultural shed at Cefn Canol, Llangristiolus


RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


13.2 47LPA969A/SCR/CC – Application for a screening opinion for the erection


RESOLVED to accept the report and to note the information.


13.3 49C18C – Outline application for residential development to include the erection of 48 dwellings together with the construction of a new access road at Valley Mill, Valley


RESOLVED to accept the report and agree to the completion of the planning obligation.


13.4 49C257 – Outline application for the residential development together with the construction of a new vehicular access onto the A5, Valley Mart Site 


RESOLVED to accept the report and to agree to the completion of the planning obligation.