Issue - decisions

Budget 2014-15 and the Medium Term Revenue Strategy

10/02/2014 - Medium Term Revenue Budget Strategy and Final Revenue Budget Proposals for 2014-15



  Tonote the formal consultation meetings on the budget as outlined in paragraph 4.1 of the report;


  Tonote the equalities impact assessment summary on the budget proposals in Section 7 of the report;


  Toagree that, within the proposed budget, schools are given an increase in budget which meets the Welsh Government’s pledge for schools’ funding as detailed in paragraph 4.1.3 of the report;


  To agree the final details of the Council’s proposed budget, investments, pressures and savings as shown in Appendices 1-5 of the report;


  Tonote the Section 151 Officer’s recommendations that minimum Council Fund Balances be maintained at £5m, the confirmation of the robustness of the estimates underlying the proposals and the adequacy of the General Reserves in the context of other earmarked reserves;


  Toconfirm the adjustments detailed within the table at Paragraph 4.2.3 of the report;


  To recommend a net budget for the County Council and resulting Council Tax to Council, noting that a formal resolution including the North Wales Police and Community Councils’ precepts will be presented to Council on 27 February, 2014;


  Toauthorise the Section 151 Officer to make such changes as may be necessary before submission to the Council.    


(The Committee Services Manager declared an interest in Paragraph 5.13 of the report (voluntary redundancy) and remained at the meeting.