Issue - decisions

Applications Arising

10/03/2015 - Applications Arising

7.1  17C44M/MIN – Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission 17C44J to vary condition (10) so as to allow for the submission of the details of the balcony screening prior to occupation of the dwelling at 6 Gerddi Hafod Lon, Llandegfan


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


7.2   31C419A – Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of 2 dwellings on land at Hafod y Bryn, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


7.3   34C553A – Outline application for residential development including extra care facility, highway and associated infrastructure at Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application at the request of a Local Member due to local residents not having sufficient notification that the application was to be discussed at this meeting.


7.4  41C66G/RE – Full application for the erection of one wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 24.8m, rotor diameter of up to 19.2m and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 34.5m, the construction of an access track together with the erection of an equipment housing cabinet on land at Marchynys, Penmynydd


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons set out in the written report.