Issue - decisions

Llangefni Skate Park - Land Lease Agreement

25/01/2016 - Llangefni Skate Park - Land Lease Agreement

It was RESOLVED :-


·           To forgo the requirement of open marketing and the need to obtain a market rent as per the Council’s Asset Management Policy and Procedures and to offer the Llangefni Skate Park Group a 25 year lease at a nominal rent;

·           That the lease will require the tenant to hold a valid Public Liability Insurance and will indemnify the Council against any claims throughout the period of the lease;

·           The lease will require Llangefni Town Council to act as guarantor in the event of a default or failure by the Llangefni Skate Park Group;

·           The tenant will be liable to clear the site at the end of term, removing any equipment and making good any damage.