Issue - decisions

Rent and Service Charge for Council Tenants 2016-17

08/02/2016 - Rent and Service Charge for Council Tenants 2016-17

It was resolved –


·        To approve the rent increase in line with the Welsh Government target rent based on collection over 51 weeks.

·        To approve increasing all rents below target of between £0.08 - £2.57 by 1.4% plus an amount up to the maximum of £2.00 per week to bring to target rent.

·        To approve increasing all rents below target rent of between £2.77 - £3.41 by 1.4% plus £2.00 per week.

·        That the rent for the 142 properties that are above target rent should remain at their current levels.

·        To approve the proposal of not applying any increase to the garage rents.

·        That the service charges costs as noted within Section 3.3 of the report be applied to all tenants who receive the relevant services.