
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

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We also list the Planning and Orders Committee Decisions and Executive decisions taken by the Portfolio Holders, Officers and the Council Leader

Decisions published

02/03/2023 - Minutes ref: 3021    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved that the draft minutes of the previous meeting of the Executive held on 14 February, 2023 be confirmed as correct.

02/03/2023 - Job Sharing on the Executive ref: 3034    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to recommend to the Full Council that constitutional changes are made to:


·                Allow for one or more Members to job share as Leader, Deputy Leader and as Portfolio Holders on the Executive.

·                Allow the maximum number of Members on the Executive to be amended to reflect the statutory maximum numbers where Executive members share roles, and

·                Detail the arrangements in relation to quorum and voting when Executive members are job-sharing –


a)            In accordance with the wording in Appendix 1 to the report

b)           Any further consequential amendments that are required as a result of this decision.


·                Should any changes be made by way of job-share arrangements and/or the number of individuals in receipt of a senior salary change due to job-share arrangements, the Council will inform the Independent Remuneration Panel of Wales (IRPW) and promptly publicise the same.




02/03/2023 - Fees and Charges 2023/24 ref: 3030    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to approve the schedule of Fees and Charges for 2023/24 as outlined in the booklet appended to the report.

02/03/2023 - Housing Revenue Account Budget Monitoring - Quarter 3, 2022/23 ref: 3024    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to note the following –


·                The position set out in respect of the financial performance of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for Quarter 3 2022/23.

·                The forecast outturn for 2022/23.

02/03/2023 - Local Authority Homes for Older People - Setting the Standard Charge 2023/24 ref: 3029    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved that the full cost of the service is charged which is £863.30 per week.

02/03/2023 - Council Plan 2023-2028 ref: 3033    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to recommend the Draft Council Plan 2023-28 for proposed adoption by the Isle of Anglesey County Council at its meeting on 9 March, 2023, subject to prioritising the Welsh Language in the list of strategic objectives contained therein.

02/03/2023 - Capital Budget 2023/24 ref: 3035    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to recommend to the Full

Council the following Capital Programme

for 2023/24:




2022/23 Schemes Brought

Forward                                                12,373

Refurbishment/Replacement of

Assets                                                    5,682

New One Off Capital Projects                 386

21st Century Schools                            5,964

Housing Revenue Account                 13,557


Total Recommended Capital

Programme 2023/24                             37,962



Funded By:


General Capital Grant                           3,410

Supported Borrowing General             2,158

21st Century Schools Supported

Borrowing                                                 919

21st Century Schools

Unsupported Borrowing                       2,797                                     

HRA Reserve & In Year Surplus          9,221

HRA Unsupported Borrowing                     0

Capital Receipts                                       500

External Grants                                     6,584

2022/23 Funding Brought Forward    12,373


2023/24 Total Capital Funding            37,962

















02/03/2023 - Capital Strategy ref: 3032    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to endorse and to recommend the Capital Strategy 2023/24 to the Full Council.

02/03/2023 - Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2023/24 ref: 3031    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved –


·                To agree the final details of the Council’s proposed budget as shown in Section 4 of Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 of the report.

·                To note the Section 151 Officer’s recommendation that the Council should maintain a minimum of £8.6m general balances.

·                To note the comments made by the Section 151 Officer on the robustness of the estimates made, as set out in Section 5 of Appendix 1.

·                To recommend a net budget for the County Council of £174.569m and resulting increase in the level of Council Tax of 5.00% (£68.40 – Band D) to the Full Council, noting that a formal resolution, including the North Wales Police and Community Council precepts will be presented to the Council on 9 March, 2023.

·                That any differences between the provisional settlement and the final settlement will be adjusted for by using the general contingency which is included in the 2023/24 budget, or by making a contribution to/from the Council’s general reserves in order to set a balanced budget.

·                To authorise the Section 151 Officer to make such changes as may be necessary before the submission of the final proposals to the Council.

·                To agree that any unforeseen pressures on demand led budgets during the financial year will be able to draw upon funding from the general contingencies budget.

·                To request the Council to authorise the Executive to release up to £250k from general balances if the general contingencies budget is fully committed during the year.

·                To delegate to the Section 151 Officer the power to release funding from the general contingency up to £50k for any single item. Any item in excess of £50k not to be approved without prior consent of the Executive.

·                To confirm that the level of Council Tax Premium for second homes increases to 75% and for empty homes remains at 100%.

02/03/2023 - Community Based Non-Residential Social Care Services 2023/24 Fees and Charges ref: 3028    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to approve the following –


·                Charges for Telecare services as outlined in Table A of the report, namely:


Tier 1 Analogue – everyone will be paying £55.90 per quarter

Tier 2 & 3 Analogue – everyone will be paying £111.41 per quarter

Tier 1 Digital – everyone will be paying £71.50 per quarter

Tier 2 & 3 Digital – everyone will be paying £142.48 per quarter


·                Telecare Annual charges as outlined in Table B, namely:


Services and Maintenance £133.18

Services only £86.08

One-off installation £53.25


·                Rate for Direct Payments at £14.50/hour


·                To maintain a charge of £10.00 for the administration of Blue Badge requests and replacements as outlined in paragraph 5.


·                To increase the fee for purchasing day care services in independent residential homes by 10.57% to £41.55


·                To increase Domiciliary Care fees by £1.55 per hour to comply with new legislation


·                Charges for Meals in Day Services as outlined in Table C, namely :


Meals in Day Services for adults (excluding people with learning disabilities) £7.25

Mid-day snack in Day Services for people with learning disabilities £3.05

Other refreshments (tea/coffee/cake) in Day Services £1.70

02/03/2023 - Treasury Management Strategy Statement 2023/24 ref: 3026    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to note the Treasury Management Strategy Statement for 2023/24 and to forward the report to the Full Council without further comment.

02/03/2023 - Treasury Management Mid-Year Review 2022/23 ref: 3025    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved –


·                To recommend to Full Council that it approve the change in counterparty limit to other local authorities as per section 5.3 of the report.

·                To note the Treasury Management 2022/23 Mid-Year Review report and to forward it to Full Council without further comment.

02/03/2023 - Capital Budget Monitoring - Quarter 3, 2022/23 ref: 3023    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to note the progress of expenditure and receipts against the capital budget 2022/23 at Quarter 3.

02/03/2023 - Revenue Budget Monitoring - Quarter 3, 2022/23 ref: 3022    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved –


·                To note the position set out in Appendices A and B of the report in respect of the Authority’s financial performance to date and expected outturn for 2022/23.

·                To note the summary of contingency budgets for 2022/23 as detailed in Appendix C.

·                To note the monitoring of agency and consultancy costs for 2022/23 in Appendices CH, D and DD.

·                To recommend to the Isle of Anglesey County Council that Full Council approve funding of £1.074m from the Council Fund general balances to the delegated schools budget, to cover the additional pay costs above those originally allowed for in the 2022/23 revenue budget.

·                To approve the transfer of the net underspend on homelessness and homelessness prevention estimated at £260k to an earmarked reserve for homelessness and homelessness prevention in future years. This has occurred due to Welsh Government announcing a significant uplift of £373k to the No One Left Out grant.

02/03/2023 - Minimum Revenue Provision Policy ref: 3027    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: The Executive

Made at meeting: 02/03/2023 - The Executive

Decision published: 02/03/2023

Effective from: 02/03/2023


It was resolved to recommend to the Full Council that it approve the following MRP changes for the current financial year 2022/23 and beyond –


·                To note the report in Appendix 1 and Link Asset Group’s report attached in Appendix 3 on the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) options.


·                To change the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) MRP charge on   supported borrowing CFR from 2% of the HRA capital financing requirement (CFR) to the Asset Life – Annuity approach for 60 years at the Council’s average interest rate payable on its loans (Option 1ch in Table 2 in Appendix 1 to the report) from 1 April, 2022.

·                To change the HRA MRP on unsupported borrowing CFR from 2% of the HRA CFR to the Asset Life – Annuity approach for 60 years at the Council’s average interest rate on its loans (Option 2ch in Table 2 in Appendix 1) from 1 April, 2022.

·                To change the Council Fund MRP on supported borrowing CFR from the Asset Life – Equal Instalment method to the Asset Life – Annuity approach for 46 years at the Council’s average interest rate payable on its loans (Option 3ch in Table 2 in Appendix 1) from 1 April, 2022.

·                To change the Council Fund MRP on unsupported borrowing CFR from the Asset Life – Equal Instalment approach to the Asset Life – Annuity method for 27.5 years at the Council’s average interest rate payable on its loans from 1 April, 2022.

·                To approve the revised MRP Policy Statement for 2022/23 and beyond in Appendix 2 of the report which is based on the options in the recommendations in the bullet points above.

01/03/2023 - Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers ref: 3018    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


11.1  FPL/2022/128 - Full application for an extension to the existing building together with the demolition of the existing workshop together with the erection of a replacement workshop at Site 5, Amlwch Industrial Estate, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.

01/03/2023 - Departure Applications ref: 3017    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.

01/03/2023 - Affordable Housing Applications ref: 3016    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


None considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.

01/03/2023 - Economic Applications ref: 3015    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.

01/03/2023 - Other Matters ref: 3020    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


13.1  DEM/2023/2 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Pencraig, Llangefni


To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.


13.2  DEM/2023/3 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Pencraig, Llangefni


To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.


13.3  DEM/2023/4 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Maes Hyfryd, Llangefni


To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.


13.4  DEM/2023/5 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of 28 garages at Bro Tudur, Llangefni


To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.


01/03/2023 - Remainder of Applications ref: 3019    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


12.1  MAO/2022/27 - Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2021/337 so as to amend the approved plans at the Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  ADV/2023/1 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Amlwch Watchtower, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.3  ADV/2023/2 – Application for the erection of an interpretation sign at Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  ADV/2023/3 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Main Square Car Park, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.5  ADV/2023/4 - Application for the siting of 2 non-illuminated signs at

Parys Mountain, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.6  HHP/2022/342 - Full application for alterations and extensions at

         Islwyn, Holyhead Road, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED that a physical site visit be undertaken for the reasons given.


12.7  HHP/2022/244 - Full application for demolition of the existing garage together with the erection of a two storey annex at

Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech


The application had been withdrawn.


12.8  FPL/2021/231 - Full application for the erection of 27 affordable dwellings, construction of internal access road, diversion of Public Right of Way, creation of a landscaping bund, erection of acoustic fence and associated works on land North of Y Garnedd, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation as contained within the written report.


12.9  TPO/2022/24 - Application for works to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order at Parc Twr, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.

01/03/2023 - Applications Arising ref: 3014    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


7.1  FPL/2022/60 – Full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former site of Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newborough


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


7.2  FPL/2022/173 – Full application for the change of use of agricultural land to site 32 holiday lodges, reception building, construction of new vehicular access, construction of new on site roads, and parking areas and associated works on land adjacent to Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as the proposal was deemed to be contrary to planning policy PCYFF 3 and the ecology report has not addressed the effect on the Red Squirrels habitat in the area.


In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers to respond to the reason given for refusing the application.

01/03/2023 - Applications that will be Deferred ref: 3013    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


6.1  S106/2020/3 – Submission of ‘Penrhos Coastal Park Welsh Language Scheme’ under Section 1 (Welsh Language Scheme) of schedule 12 of the Section 106 Agreement completed in connection with planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON and the submission of a Deed of Variation to vary the following provisions of this legal agreement: paragraphs 2.1.1 Schedule B (Cae Glas Nature Reserve and Visitor Centre Specification), Appendix 2 Bond Table Penrhos Visitor Centre (including the Penrhos Visitor Centre Toilets) and their maintenance, paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 12 (Welsh Language Scheme) and the substitution of Plan 2 Penrhos Land Drawing – Plan 2 drawing reference PL1114.VW008/Rev 03 dated 03/03/2016 at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons given.


6.2  COMP/2021/1 – Submission of information necessary to discharge sections: Schedule 8, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Car Parking and Public Access Strategy – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Clause 12.1: Ancient Woodland Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 15, Clause 15.1: Green Linkages Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 17, Clause 17.1: SSSI Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 19, Clause 19.1: Ecological Survey and Monitoring Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 19, Clause 19.4: Ecological Compliance Audit – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 20, Clause 20.1 – Existing Tree Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.1 – Warden Service Appointment/Warden Service Annual Reporting – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.3 – Warden Service, AONB Impact and use of Green Linkages monitoring assessment – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 3, Clause 3.1: Penrhos Leisure Village Phasing Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 11, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Local Labour Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase of the S106 agreement obligations attached to planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons given.


6.3  46C427L/COMP – Submission of Community Liaison Group Scheme (CLGS) to comply with the Terms of Agreement as set out in Schedule 8, Section 7 and Penrhos Public Access Land Scheme (PPALS) as set out in Schedule 8, Section 13.1 of the Section 106 Agreement attached to planning permission reference 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons given.







01/03/2023 - Public Speaking ref: 3012    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


There were Public Speakers in respect of applications 7.2 and 12.8.

01/03/2023 - Site Visits ref: 3011    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


The minutes of the Site Visit held on 15 February, 2023 were confirmed as correct.

01/03/2023 - Minutes ref: 3010    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 1 February, 2023 were confirmed as correct.

01/03/2023 - Declaration of Interest ref: 3036    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Planning and Orders Committee

Made at meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee

Decision published: 01/03/2023

Effective from: 01/03/2023


Councillor Glyn Haynes declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 12.8.


Councillor John I Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 7.1.


Councillor Ken Taylor declared a personal interest in application 12.8.