Isle of Anglesey County Council Elections May 2022 - Thursday, 5th May, 2022

Election results by party
Party name Seats won % of votes
Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales 21 40%
Independent / Annibynnol 4 14%
Annibynnol / Independent 4 11%
Llafur Cymru / Welsh Labour 3 5%
Welsh Liberal Democrats - Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol Cymru 1 3%
Annibynnol - Independent 1 1%
Independent 1 1%
Welsh Conservative Party Candidate / Ymgeisydd Plaid Geidwadol Cymru 0 20%
Wales Green Party / Plaid Werdd Cymru 0 2%
Annibynnol 0 2%
Independent - Annibynnol 0 < 1%
Reform UK 0 < 1%
Propel: Not Politics As Usual / Propel: Nid Gwleidyddiaeth Fel Arfer 0 < 1%
Heritage Party 0 < 1%
Turnout: 44%