John Roberts

Title: Town / community council representative on the Standards Committee.

Additional Information

Town / community council representative on the Standards Committee.


John Roberts was first elected as a member of the old Llanfairpwll parish council in 1970 and became a member of Cyngor Bro Llanfairpwll in 1974.


Mr Roberts was a member of the former Ynys Môn Borough Council and became a member of the Isle of Anglesey County Council in 1996. During his 12 years as a county councillor, Mr Roberts chaired numerous committees and held the post of Finance and ICT portfolio holder on the Council’s Executive between 2004 and 2007. He also served as the County Council’s deputy chairman in 2007/08.


Mr Roberts is a former teacher and has worked as a special needs education officer. He remains a North Wales Society for the Blind board member having spent the last three years as chair. He is also an Ynys Môn Citizens Advice Bureau board member.


Mr Roberts was recently elected onto the Standards Committee as the second town / community council representative by Unllais Cymru - the national body for town and community councils - on which he also sits as Chair of the Regional Committee.




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