Mr. Islwyn Jones

Profile image for Mr. Islwyn Jones

Title: Vice Chairman and Independent member of the Standards Committee.

Additional Information

Vice Chairman and Independent member of the Standards Committee.


Up until he took early retirement, Islwyn Jones was a manager with Royal Mail for 21 years, performing a number of managerial roles and spending the last 10 years of his career as a senior manager. This is an outline of some of the work that he did during his career which is relevant to his role on the Standards Committee:


Part of his role as a manager was to investigate into allegations of misconduct, which involved performing detailed investigations and gathering evidence before deciding whether to award any penalty; he also heard appeals by some workers against penalties awarded by other managers. He successfully defended a number of his decisions in Employment Tribunals.


He has qualified in interviewing techniques in fields that include recruitment as well as investigating allegations of misconduct and of bullying and harassment.


Islwyn has been an Independent Public Appointments Assessor from 2003 to 2012.