Issue - meetings

Other Matters

Meeting: 01/10/2014 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 13)

13 Other Matters pdf icon PDF 367 KB

13.1  12C431C/LB – Gwynfa, Beaumaris


13.2  22C40A – Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona

Additional documents:


13.1    12C431C/LB – Listed Building Consent to replace the existing window with French doors at Gwynfa, Beaumaris


It was resolved to note the information.


13.2    22C40A – Full application for the demolition of the existing dwelling and garage, together with the erection of a replacement dwelling and garage, stables, installation of a package treatment plant and alterations to the vehicular access at Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona


It was resolved to note the information.


13.1  12C431C/LB – Listed Building Consent to replace the existing window with French doors at Gwynfa, Beaumaris


The application was presented to the 2nd July meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. Members recommended approval of the Listed Building application contrary to officer recommendation.


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that although the application has been forwarded to CADW for consideration and has been approved, CADW has expressed concerns regarding the way in which it was presented to the Committee and specifically the extent to which the Council considered the suitability of the proposal against policy and guidance in coming to its decision. The Officer said that consequently, future reports to the Committee on listed building applications will refer to the requirements of the Listed Building and Conservation Area Act 1990.


It was resolved to note the information.


13.2  22C40A – Full application for the demolition of the existing dwelling and garage, together with the erection of a replacement dwelling and garage, stables, installation of a package treatment plant and alterations to the vehicular access at Cae Maes Mawr, Llanddona


The Committee was informed that an appeal had now been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate against the Committee’s decision at its 2nd July meeting to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to note the information.