Agenda item

Draft Well-being Plan - Gwynedd & Ynys Môn Public Services Board : 2023/2028

To submit a report by the Chief Executive.


Submitted – the Draft Well-Being Plan – Gwynedd and Ynys Môn Public Services Board for 2023/2028.


The Leader of the Council said that this is the second joint Well-Being Plan and the statutory consultation process has started at the beginning of the year until 6 March, 2023. Following this, the Board will consider the responses to the consultation before creating a final Well-being Plan.


The Chief Executive reported the Well-Being Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 places a duty on Public Services Boards to publish a Well-being Plan which outlines how it is intended to improve the well-being of the area’s residents.  The Public Services Board are eager to make a meaningful contribution to the partnership landscape without duplicating the work of other partnerships and therefore the draft Well-being Plan seeks to clearly highlight whether the Public Services Board has a role in leading or delivering the well-being priorities.  He noted that the Act highlights seven national well-being goals and five ways of working in order to give public bodies a common purpose.  Working in partnership is imperative to achieve these goals and to make a difference to the well-being of the residents of both Gwynedd and Ynys Mȏn.


The Gwynedd and Ynys Mȏn Public Services Board Programme Manager reported that both this Scrutiny Committee and the relevant Scrutiny Committee in Gwynedd Council are statutory consultees in respect of the Draft Well-Being Plan. She noted that the first stage of the work of creating the Well-being Plan was to undertake an assessment of local well-being and carry out research to understand and learn more about those areas. The statutory three month consultation period will end on 6 March and the Board aim is to widen the scope of consultees in respect of the Draft Plan with an invitation to representatives from the 6th forms from the Secondary Schools in Gwynedd and Anglesey and students from Coleg Menai to challenge the Boards aims and objectives. 


The Committee considered the report and raised the following main points:-


·           Questions raised as to which way communities could assist to deliver the plan’s priorities and to develop them further in the future.  The Leader of the Council responded that the local communities have been involved through Medrwn Mȏn who has a representative on the Public Services Board.  The local communities have been part of the consultation process and Medrwn Mȏn have also been part of those sessions within the communities.  Questions were further raised as to whether the Town and Community Councils have been consulted as regards to the Well-Being Plan.  The Programme Manager responded representatives from the Board have attended Town and Community Councils Liaison Forms on Gwynedd and Anglesey and have also been invited to attend meetings of the Town and Community Councils;

·           Questions raised as it whether it is considered that the well-being objectives and the priorities identified to realise the objectives will improve the social, environmental, cultural and economic well-being of both counties.  The Leader of the Council responded that the aim of the Public Services Board is not to duplicate work that is currently undertaken by other organisations.  She noted that it is important that the local communities need to see that there is progress within the objectives of the Public Services Board and has added value to their communities.  The Chief Executive said that the Council’s Place Shaping arrangements, which is a way of working with communities, allows them to achieve their own specific priorities locally;

·           Reference was made to well-being objective as regards to support communities to move towards zero net carbon.  Questions were raised whether assurance can be given that there will be no duplication of work when other organisations such as the Fire & Rescue Service has the same objective of zero net carbon by 2030.  The Programme Manager responded that the Fire & Rescue Service is a statutory member of the Public Services Board and they will be able to support and share good practice with other organisations within the Board;

·           Questions were raised as to whether there are any priorities missing, especially given the findings of the Well-Being Assessments at the beginning of the year.  The Leader of the Council responded that the economy has not been focused specifically within the priorities as the North Wales Economic Ambition Board has been established to focus on the economy of North Wales;

·           Questions were raised as to how information is shared between the partner organisations within the Public Services Board and how has the work of the Board benefited the residents of Gwynedd and Anglesey over the last five years.   The Programme Manager responded that discussion has undertaken during the workshops held last year and the Board will be measuring its success and gathering good practice across Wales.  She noted that social media is used to promote the work of the Board and partner organisations also promote the priorities within the Well-Being Plan. 


It was RESOLVED to note the draft Well-Being Plan which is to be published in May 2023.


ACTION : As noted above.



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