Agenda item

Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan - 2023-2028

To submit a report by the Head of Highways, Property and Waste as presented to the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 22 November, 2023.


Submitted – the report by the Head of Highways, Property and Waste as presented to the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 22 November, 2023 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.

The Portfolio Member for Highways, Waste and Property said that the Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan for 2023-2028 supports the Council’s key ambitions in the Council Plan. The Council Plan states that by 2028 the Council needs to reach a recycling rate of 70% and to reach the target of net zero carbon emissions by 2030. He noted that all residents and tourists have a duty to reduce waste and to increase recycling. He further said that approving the Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan will be an example that the Council is dealing with environmental issues as part of the recycling initiative. Councillor Thomas said that the Council has a good working relationship with partner organisations within the WLGA, Welsh Government and WRAP Cymru to assist in reaching these target rates of recycling of 70% and at present the current recycling rates on Anglesey is 64% (which can vary during different periods within the year). The Portfolio Member referred to the recent six weeks public consultation which took place between 11 September and 20 October, 2023. The consultation was designed to gather feedback on the key work streams to reduce, reuse and recycle more of household waste and nearly 200 responded to the consultation process. He further said that reference has been made that the recycling box to hold carboard is insufficient and other avenues of affording cardboard collection needs to be considered i.e. affording sacks for additional carboard. He further noted that there is a need to re-educate people as to importance of recycling and especially the younger generation.


The Leader of the Council endorsed the recommendations within the report but as the Strategic Plan has been presented to the Council at the end of December, she proposed an amendment that the Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan be implemented from 2024-2029.


The Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee highlighted the recommendations of the Committee held on 22 November, 2023 to the Council which included that the Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan on specific actions includes the increase in food recycling rates; that consideration needs to be given when planning applications are submitted for fast food outlets that a waste disposal bin needs to be provided; to note that recycling and waste is a corporate responsibility across a number of Council Services and that Keep Anglesey Tidy campaigns should be afforded to educate children and young people the importance of recycling; Recycling bin waste in our coastal towns and communities is an aspect that needs further attention and is a matter linked to other strategic plans such as the Destination Management Plan, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan.


Councillors Jeff Evans and Pip O’Neill expressed that there has been an increase in fly-tipping in Holyhead and there is a need to help and support people who may not have the means to take the waste to the recycling facilities. The Leader of the Council responded that there are licenses available for vehicles with trailers and vans through the Waste Management Section. She noted that this process is to stop commercial vehicles from charging people to collect waste.

The Chief Executive said that a campaign has started following the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee by the Waste Management Section and the Communication Team to highlight the concerns of fly-tipping and encourage people to be responsible for recycling waste in the correct manner. 7


It was RESOLVED to accept the amendment that the Isle of Anglesey Resources and Recycling Strategic Plan be adopted for 2024-2029 (5 year plan).

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