Agenda item

Strategic Corporate Safeguarding Update

To submit a report by the Director of Social Services.


The report of the Director of Social Services incorporating the Strategic Corporate Safeguarding Update was presented for the Committee’s consideration and scrutiny.


The Portfolio Member for Adult’s Services said that prevention and safeguarding is listed as one of the Council’s key general principles within the Corporate Plan 2023-2028.  He emphasised that safeguarding is a priority for everyone in every service within the Council. 


The Director of Social Services reported that the focus has been on safeguarding action plan and ensuring that services remain focused with mandatory training for all Council staff.  A successful Safeguarding week was held in November 2023 with details contained within the report.  He noted that a notable increase in domestic abuse cases on Anglesey was discussed at the Safeguarding Board to which an action was to escalate matters to the Director of Social Services, Head of Housing Services and the Deputy Chief Executive at the Anglesey and Gwynedd Community Safety Partnership Board.  It was noted that this is not a unique situation for Ynys Môn as other local authorities are noticing a rise in domestic abuse cases.  A new Safeguarding Strategic Plan will be developed over the coming months together with a forward work programme and the Terms of Reference for both the Strategic and Operational Groups will also be reviewed. 


In considering the Strategic Corporate Safeguarding Update the Committee raised the following issues:–


·         Clarity was ascertained as to what measures are in place to ensure full compliance with corporate safeguarding training requirements and how it is monitored and especially in schools.  It was also expressed that attendance of  Elected Members training data should also be included within the report.  The Director of Social Services responded that the data shows that attendance on the mandatory safeguarding are lower than expected in some services.  He noted that some services have recently experienced a turn-over of staff and some staff who do not have access to laptops to receive such training.  He said that arrangement will be made to invite these individuals to the Council Offices to receive the mandatory safeguarding training in due course.  Discussions are undertaken with the Heads of schools to ensure that the mandatory safeguarding training course is completed by all staff.

·         Reference was made, within the report, that a notable increase in domestic abuse cases on Anglesey.  Questions were raised as to what extent is the Authority currently fully equipped to deal with the situation and the role of North Wales Police as regards to the increase in domestic abuse cases.  The Director of Social Services responded that whilst there is an increase in domestic abuse cases there is no additional resources to address the situation.  He noted that discussions are taking place with Gorwel who provide a range of support services which include people affected by domestic abuse and homelessness.  Discussions are also undertaken across services of the Council and especially the Housing Services and Social Services Department to share data of incidents of domestic abuse.  Staff within the Children’s and Families Service support children who are living in homes which have experienced domestic abuse situations.  The Director of Social Services further said that due to the increase in domestic abuse there may be a situation that a ‘waiting list’ for support will need to be established which is not a situation that this Authority wishes to undertake.  Further questions were raised as to whether specific trends have contributed to increase in domestic abuse i.e. poverty, drugs, alcohol.  The Director of Social Services said that it is a complex issue with several factors that relate to domestic abuse.  He noted that additional information as regards to the different factors relating to domestic abuse can be submitted to a future meeting of this Committee.

·         Questions were raised as to what assurances can be given that arrangements are in place to fully meet Objective 2 of the Corporate Safeguarding Action Plan which discusses a workforce equipped to discharge their safeguarding duties effectively at a level adequate with their role and responsibilities.  The Director of Social Services responded that the data of staff who have attended  mandatory training courses is important and safeguarding events are also afforded to staff to ensure compliance with the safeguarding requirements within their role and responsibilities.

·         Reference was made that there are reports of slippage against several key workstreams.  Questions were raised as to the reasons for the slippage and what arrangements are in hand to mitigate the impacts.  The Director of Social Services responded that arrangements have been undertaken to ensure that basis safeguarding awareness training and the data shown within the report has improved.  The Chief Executive said that the recruitment of staff who have the competencies, knowledge, and the understanding to undertake role which incorporate safeguarding are part of their role is important. 

·         Questions were raised as to data available with regards to modern slavery.  The Chief Executive responded that the Gwynedd and Anglesey Partnership Board receives data from North Wales Police on a quarterly basis as regards to modern slavery.  He noted that the Deputy Chief Executive is the lead officer from this Authority on the Board.


It was RESOLVED to note the developments over the past 12 months that offers reassurance that the Council are meeting their safeguarding obligations. 


ACTION:  That the Democratic Services Committee should ensure that  corporate safeguarding training should be part of the Elected Member Training Programme.

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